Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Remember Me?

Wow. Hi there! It's been a little while. I'm surprised I remembered my blogger log in! How are you?

I'm still over in the UK, working long days but enjoying my weekends. My first weekend over here I stayed near my hotel, relaxing and reading my book in the sun in a park by the river. It was fantastic! The next weekend I visited some friends in Newmarket, near Cambridge. We went to the horse races and walked through Cambridge - unfortunately the sun had abandoned us and we had to carry umbrellas the whole time, so my pictures are few.

Last weekend might be my favorite so far. We took a quick hop up to Edinburgh and spent two days exploring the castle and surroundings. Of course my camera got the most use in the botanic gardens; I've found I have a definite draw to nature pictures!

Last night we had a celebration dinner since we successfully prepared for our first review, at a wonderful restaurant in the Oakley Court hotel. The meal was good but the setting was even better! We ate our dessert on the terrace by the river and everyone had a wonderful time.

This weekend I'm going to explore a few more places in England, then after one more week (making a total of five this trip) I'll finally get to come home. For three weeks. Before heading back for one last business trip...

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