52 Nights Update & Burprag Variation #3
So last night was technically Night 5 of my 52 nights. I feel a little like I cheated for nights 3 & 4 since I was on vacation, but last night was back to the real intent of the project! Our internet is still out, so that wasn't a temptation, but we still have a lot of catching up to do on our Tivo, and I didn't get sucked in! Instead I did some chores, and got a very good start on a project, all before some friends came by to visit after dinner! Success!
I also wanted to share some new burprags. I wanted to use fabric again, and I considered doing a strip down the middle like I've seen (here for example) but decided to do something a little different.

A strip of fabric folded around the bottom... Probably not totally original, but enough to break it up a little!
Another fun idea - I save everything, including those long skinny strips that result when I straighten a long edge of fabric, so I used one to tie this bundle of rags.

Recycling and cute packaging, all in one!
I also wanted to share some new burprags. I wanted to use fabric again, and I considered doing a strip down the middle like I've seen (here for example) but decided to do something a little different.

A strip of fabric folded around the bottom... Probably not totally original, but enough to break it up a little!
Another fun idea - I save everything, including those long skinny strips that result when I straighten a long edge of fabric, so I used one to tie this bundle of rags.

Recycling and cute packaging, all in one!