Sunday, July 10, 2005

Aqua Egg

In my latest order, I got some beautiful aqua blue quartz faceted teardrops, which are quite large. They are so beautiful, the way they catch the light, and they have a wonderful weight to them. I made this pendant pretty quickly, just to have a way to wear one:

This is just one of the teardrops, with three small clear Swarovski crystals to keep it company. It's a little fancy for everyday use, but I think it will look really pretty with a plain white blouse for work or with a dress for going out.

And since my journal is in danger of turning into a jewelry blog, I want to assure you I have some non-jewelry posts in the near future! I have a knitting work-in-progress that I'll probably show eventually, and some other things need to reach certain people by mail before I want to post them here. So, don't worry, more variety will be coming soon!!
