Checking Things Off
Thanks to everyone who signed up for RME with my referral! I reinvested in crafty folks by going on a little etsy spree.
Going with my new motto "finished is better than perfect" I have been trying to check a few things off my list!

Starting a very belated baby gift.

Getting the master quilt and new quilt tops finished.
And can I just share something with you guys? There are limited folks in my life that will appreciate this:

Can you see that? Angled piecing, without cutting off any corners! There's a reason I don't attempt fancy blocks, as much as I would love to try Amanda Jean's star quilt-along - I usually chop the tips off of any points I try to piece. So, yay! I'm excited!!
It feels really good to get to some long-awaited projects! Hopefully I'll actually have some finished projects to share soon rather than all these works in progress...
Going with my new motto "finished is better than perfect" I have been trying to check a few things off my list!

Starting a very belated baby gift.

Getting the master quilt and new quilt tops finished.
And can I just share something with you guys? There are limited folks in my life that will appreciate this:

Can you see that? Angled piecing, without cutting off any corners! There's a reason I don't attempt fancy blocks, as much as I would love to try Amanda Jean's star quilt-along - I usually chop the tips off of any points I try to piece. So, yay! I'm excited!!
It feels really good to get to some long-awaited projects! Hopefully I'll actually have some finished projects to share soon rather than all these works in progress...