Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Corduroy Purse

I had an old pair of Abercrombie corduroy jeans that just didn't look good anymore, so I decided to make a messenger bag. It took me longer than it should have since it's a design I hadn't made before, but it came out pretty cute. I made a few mistakes, but it's just for me, so I'll use it as a learning experience.

I lined it with some pretty cream and red fabric from the scraps section at Hancock:

I even managed a zipper pocket, though I think future iterations will turn out much better:

Finally, I added this pretty beaded flower that Mom got me on my birthday shopping trip:

I also made progress on my scarf this weekend, but am too lazy to take pictures. Besides, the pictures I've posted so far tonight are pretty crappy, so I figure I'd better not press my luck! At least they get the idea across...

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